Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reading reading reading!!!

I've been given a few books to I'm sorry I haven't posted that much. I have been a READING fool! I have a few book reviews to get posted. So never fear I will have more posts!

Also, I was recently given the chance to review The After Wife by Gigi Levangie Grazer. However, I am REALLY wanting to read The Starter Wife before I read The After Wife. So, I was wondering if anyone has a copy I can share - either hard copy or ereader (Nook). Please let me know! I can be reach at email Thanks!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

11. Tell A Thousand Lies

Book Description:

In a land where skin colour can determine one's destiny, fraternal twins PULLAMMA and LATA are about to embark on a journey that will tear their lives apart.


Tell A Thousand LiesTell A Thousand Lies by Rasana Atreya

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was a little hesitant with starting to read this book...I was a little unsure how I'd like it. It was a little outside of my comfort zone with the books I like to read. Once I got started, it was on!

Let me say that while reading this book, I could really picture myself in rural India. THe author did a great job of using imagery without being blantanly descriptive. I could actually picture the house with the courtyard, the heat of the day (I imagine how hot it gets in Texas and then multipled that by 100), and what the characters looked like.

I felt the story was a little drawn out. I'm not sure if this was b/c of my irritation with the story line or just that I felt like I was reading it forever. It really irritated me that Pullamma got so close to her happiness - even being there at one point - and then having it taken away from her just like that. Throughout this story I REALLY wanted her to be happy and when she was I felt happy right there with her. Then out of nowhere BAM! I felt hurt and sad right with her.

So, I did love that the author could make me feel with the character. My emotions went up and down just as the characters did. Not many books can do this for me.

I also learned quite a bit about the indian culture and a lot of the way women were treated and some still are today makes me angry. I also really loved when Pullamma started coming out of her shell, I love that she finally started standing up for herself.

I am very happy with the way the book ended, I just wish it had gotten there sooner.

View all my reviews

Monday, June 4, 2012

Introductions First! (BEA Armchair Day 1)

Hi! I recently signed up to be a participant in the 3rd Annual Armchair BEA. So to all of those that have come to visit my blog...welcome and thanks for stopping by!

For those of you who have NO idea what I'm talking about. Check it out here - ARMCHAIR BEA 2012. I think it's a GREAT way for us book bloggers to get to know one another.

It's a week long event - and today the topic is, "Introductions First!"

So here it goes....

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

Let's see - I'm a 32 years old, married with no children. In fact just before I started posting, my husband was over analyzing am episode of "The Big Bang Theory" (which we both love) and I had to remind him I was about to go into "me time" lol. I tend to ramble...hint hint lol. I've been blogging for a few years...just not BOOK blogging. I got into it - because I needed something of my own...and living out in the boonies there isn't much to do. Heck, we are lucky we even get internet! I started just blogging as an outlet and now I can't stop. :o)

2. What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

I'm currently reading something someone sent me for review - "Tell a Thousand Lies." So far so good! Favorite I have read so far in 2012...I'm very hooked on anything by Sarah Addison Allen.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

Hmmm....I have no children, unless you count my 3 dogs and 1 cat - and I kind of do. Lol. I have a BAD habit of biting my nails...ugh. I cannot seem to stop. I absolutely LOVE Gobstoppers!! I also LOVE old fashion mail...snail mail if you please! I love getting letters, postcards, books, etc! I try to return them all.

What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?

My book blog has not taken on a life of it's own. I hope to have more followers soon so that I can start offering more. Right now - I simply love book reviews.

Where do you see your blog in five years?

Hopefully with more followers, and that we just enjoy each others company. :0)

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

Ooook tough one...probably the blog about the first book I won on Goodreads. I was so excited! Or the blog about my birthday most beloved Nook Tablet! (THank you husband that understands when I need my me time lol.)

If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

Hmmmm right now I think I would LOVE to have dinner with Sarah Addison Allen. I'm telling you people I am hooked! I LOVE the magic her novels provide. I bet she's got all kinds of great things to talk about.

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

And sticking to my theme...I'd like to visit the garden in Garden Spells.
I read that book and just envisioned the most beautiful calm safe feeling...and it it was real...I'd love to feel safe there.

What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?

I love how many there are of us! I love how friendly everyone is and nice and just willing to befriend you. It's as if our love of books is the string that ties us all together. Like, instantly you find someone who loves the books you do and your just about instant BFFs lol. As far as change - yes I'd like to see the community grow and grow and grow. Books have saved me multiple times...and I hope the outreach grows so that someone who needs them the most finds them too!

Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?

Yes actually, I'm noticing that books I would have otherwised said no to - I'm actually reading AND enjoying!

Well there you have it ladies and lovers of all kind. My name is Maria and it's been a pleasure meeting you!